Inductance Calculator

calculate the inductance of wires and traces

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Select the box with the geometry that you would like to calculate.

Round-Wire geometries (loops of wire with various shapes)
Circular Loop

Circular Loop
Rectangular Loop

Rectangular Loop
Square Loop

Square Loop
Equilateral Triangle Loop

Equilateral Triangle Loop
Isosceles Triangle Loop

Isosceles Triangle Loop
Transmission Line geometries (cross sections)
the values calculated are the inductance per unit length
Twin Lead

Twin Lead
Round Wire over
a Ground Plane

Round Wire over a Ground Plane
Vertically Spaced Traces

Two Vertically Spaced Traces
Wide Trace over
a Ground Plane

Wide Trace over Ground Plane
Coplanar Traces

Coplanar Traces

In all cases, the current is assumed to flow in the outer surface of the conductors.
The approximate formulas used to calculate the inductance are provided along with restrictions on the relative size of the various parameters.

All the units are in SI (Iternational System):

  • [m] = meter
  • [H] = Henry
Note: µ0 = 4¶·10-7 [Hm-1] (Absolute Permeability)

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